Using mailvu, students must record themselves talking about what they did or something that happened yesterday; they have to include prepositions of time. Let the students know that they are going to send the file to your email, or post the link on the fb group for you to check it. 

On the fb group, students are going to have a debate on the following statement: 
"working from home makes people lazy” the students will be divided into 2 groups; one group will be against the statement and the other group will be for it.The teacher is going to decide the day and time in which all the students must be conected in the group so that everybody can do the debate. 

In pair or small groups, the students are going to perform one the following situations: 

·         It´s your first day at your new job and the boss tells you your obligations, but you are not in agreement, so you leave.

·         It´s your best friend´s birthday and you and your brother are organizing a surprise party, so you write a list with all the things your brother must do. You even read it to him, but later he forgets to do everything you have asked him.

·         You´ve just accepted to work from home; unfortunately, the first day you start your computer gets broken, so you decide to quit but your best friend convinces you not to do so telling you all the advantages and benefits you´ll get if you keep on working.

·         Your girlfriend/boyfriend is never on time when you have a date. You tell him/her some ways in which they can organize and save their time in order to be a punctual person. 

In the mailvu page, they are going to record themselves while they are performing the roleplay. This file must be sent to your email as well. 

2 comentarios:

  1. The first activity needs some details for example the way you are going to prove they have worked. maybe you ask them to download the recorded file and send it to you. It is almost the same with the Role-play.

    I like the fb debate

  2. the file is supposed to be sent to the teacher´s email in orderto be cheked, but I forgot to specify it on the directions :)
