martes, 6 de marzo de 2012




TEACHERS: Liliana Yadira Chamul
                     Reina Guadalupe Tobar Alvarado

LEVEL: Advanced

TOPIC: Food and culture

TIME: 3 hours


Facebook, voxopop, wordle, youthink, mind42, blogger, google, youtube, moodle, messenger,


SWBAT talk about exotic and typical food around the world including exotic food from their native country  in a oral presentation. 


Students are going to give their opinion and discuss the following statement posted on the wall of the class on facebook.

"Mention and talk about the most exotic food you have ever tasted or known"


Pre activity:
Ask the students to mention and talk about the exotic food in their native country. As they already have their moodle account, there will be a forum especially opened for them to participate.

During activitiy:
Have students watch the following video on youtube
They should pay attention and write down important details.

Post activity: 
Ask students to go to blogger and write an entry in which they are going to create a list of the countries and their specific exotic foods mentioned on the video.


1.  Wordle
Get the students go to the following links and ask them to rearrange the words to create logical sentences. After that they are going to send the answers to the teacher's email:

2. Youtube
Ask the students to go to this link and watch the video "tropical and exotic fruits of the Philippines" Then, they have to write correct sentences using just the exotic fruits that are common and known  in our country. After that, they are going to record the sentences using vocaroo and they will post the link on facebook for the teacher to check.

3. Youthink
After watching the following video have the students take the following quiz:


1. Interview
The teacher is going to schedule video-calls with each student (using messenger). They are not going to be longer than three minutes.
The teacher is going to lead the interview asking the following questions to the students: 

a) If you were the owner of a restaurant would you like to add exotic food to you menu? Which ones and why?
b) What places do you know in El Salvador where people prepare and sell exotic food?
c) What`s your opinion about killing and eating animals as exotic foods? Do you think it will contribute to the extinction of those animals?

2.  Mind42
Ask the students to go to MIND42 and create a conceptual map in which they will have to include a country, and specific exotic food and a picture of that food. They can take advantage of what we have studied or they can research more information about it using google.

3. My brain shark
Using my brain shark create a photo album in which you include information and pictures of typical food form you native country, and send it to the teacher´s email:


1. Essay
Students are required to write an essay in blogger. Topic: "If you could add a typical or exotic dish to our typical food, which one would it be?" (you can invent a dish or include one that already exists).

2. Voxopop
Have the students create an entry in our talkgroup in which they will talk about the following statement: "Why do you think food and culture are extremely connected?".

3. Teacher-Students chat
The teacher lets students know via facebook the time and date all of them are going to sign in on facebook. The teacher is going to open the chat with the following question:  If you had the chance to taste any exotic food from any country, which one would you choose and why?
and he/she is going to invite the students to continue with the discussion. The topic of the chat must be related to what they have been studying previously. The chat is going to last 15 minutes maximun. So that all the students have the chance to participate and ask questions to one another.

(This is a very good chance for the teacher to test students' writing skills since the complete conversation is saved on facebook.)

4. Presentation
Using mailvoo, ask the students to prepare a five minutes presentation about typical and/or exotic from their native country. Then everybody will have the chance to present it in the classroom.

Have the students write a 10 lines blog entry to talk about their experience learning about food and culture through the use of internet tools. 

Ask the students to get prepared for a debate that will take place in the classroom. The topic is going to be: "What's better, common/typical or exotic food?